Gelato, Sorbet and Granita

Appears in
The Cook's Book of Everything

By Lulu Grimes

Published 2009

  • About
  • Gelato is the Italian name for an ice cream based on an egg custard mixture. Italians are discerning about ice cream and flavours tend to be fresh and aromatic, often based on fruit.
  • Sorbets are water-based ices made without dairy products or egg yolks, but may contain egg whites. Sorbet has a fine, grainy texture and is eaten both as a dessert and as a palate cleanser between meals.
  • Granitas are an Italian ice confection with a coarse texture. The mixture is still-frozen, not churned like other ice creams, and the ice crystals are broken up by beating them with a fork. Granitas are traditionally flavoured with lemon or coffee.