Garlic Chive, Chinese Chive

Allium tuberosum

Appears in

By Elizabeth Schneider

Published 2001

  • About

Also gau choy and variations (Chinese), nira (Japanese)

Including common green, yellow, and flowering forms

Garlic chives do not taste, look, or cook like what we call chives (Allium schoenoprasum), although there are superficial similarities. They are another species (A. tuberosum) that tastes garlicky, is flat (not tubular), and is cooked as a vegetable in the lands where it is grown (that is why it is in this book)—unlike “regular” chives, which serve as seasoning. To further distinguish itself, the variable vegetable comes to market in three distinct and attractive forms, as you see: green-leafed, blanched (yellow), and as budding stems.