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Ana Parilla Arevalo, home cook in El Higueral, La Subbética

Appears in
Andaluz: A Food Journey Through Southern Spain

By Fiona Dunlop

Published 2023

  • About
My neighbor Ana is one of those salt-of-the-earth characters who is rooted in her family, her kitchen, and her beloved geraniums. At most, she will be driven by her eldest son to visit a daughter in a neighboring village; otherwise she never ventures far. All five of her grown children, who once all squeezed inside the same little whitewashed house, live nearby and are devoted.

At eighty, she is as sharp as a pin, knows exactly what is going on in the world (thank you TV), and recites precise recipes to me off the top of her head. Her accent and locution speed are extraordinary, a kind of garbled mountain andaluz that even confounds my Spanish friends from the north. It took me a while to realize that both she and her husband, Andrés, are illiterate, having grown up during the Franco era, when rural education was not a priority, yet that hardly cramps their style.

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