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Breads and Rice

Appears in
Chilli & Mint: Indian Home Cooking from A British Kitchen

By Torie True

Published 2021

  • About
The main accompaniment to any curry is rice or bread. In India, people typically eat with their fingers which is a much more intuitive way of eating. I am always impressed by the elegance with which dishes are consumed, involving the precise mixing of rice or pinching with pieces of bread. Given that so many dishes involve delicious sauces and gravies, mopping up is key. While rice offers more uniformity, the differentiation coming only from the quality and grain, breads open up a wonderful array of possibilities that reflect regional cuisines. We can criss-cross India with bread: dosas and appam from the south to parathas and chapatis in the north. Importantly, making bread is a rewarding experience and something that cooks of all ages can get involved with.

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