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Salsas and Sauces

Appears in
Secrets of Colombian Cooking

By Patricia McCausland-Gallo

Published 2004

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In Colombia, we spice up our dishes with many pungent flavors, some of them coming from various kinds of onions, others from cumin* seeds, curry or coloring seeds like achiote and saffron threads, which all give food life and flair. These salsas or sauces accompany many of the meats, poultry, seafoods, and side dishes in the book, and can do the same for your everyday foods. For example, I once served my husband a filet mignon with the tomato sauce I had prepared for the Oyster Cocktail: a tangy tomato sauce full of color and spice, only I omitted the oyster liquid. He absolutely loved it and had no idea what it was until I told him. You can elevate everyday meals with these and other sauces and salsas throughout the book. They keep perfectly well for a week or more in the fridge, and are very easy to prepare.

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