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The Essential Cuisines of Mexico

by Diana Kennedy

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Original Publisher
Clarkson Potter
Date of publication

Recommended by

Sue Dyson and Roger McShane

Food writers

The title of this book sums up the approach of the author to the food of Mexico. She rightly sees it as many different cuisines with their own identity. The book is a compendium of Diana Kennedy's three major works The Cuisines of Mexico, The Tortilla Book, and Mexican Regional Cooking. Kennedy writes with authority and an obvious love for the country, the people and the food.

Francis Percival

Food Editor, The World of Fine Wine and co-founder and convenor of the London Gastronomy Seminars

I married a Californian, so learning about Mexican food was an absolute necessity. A definitive guide.

Helen Graves

Food and travel writer

Karima Moyer-Nocchi

Food historian and writer

Edward Behr

Editor, The Art of Eating

Tom Gilliland

Co-owner and curator of Fonda San Miguel

Paul Wilson

Founder & managing director Mr Wilson restaurant concepts