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How to Eat a Peach

by Diana Henry

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We are building our collection of cookbooks all the time. This book is on our wish list, but it is not yet available on ckbk.

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Original Publisher
Mitchell Beazley
Date of publication

Recommended by

Dina Begum

Food writer

This book is a joy to read. I love that it’s arranged in menus for different seasons and occasions: peppered with stories and lifted with anecdotes. The photography pulls you into memories of holidays and inspires parties you dream of hosting. It’s filled with delicious recipes and writing that lend you a helping hand in entertaining the grown up way, much like a good friend would.

Nik Sharma

Food writer

I struggled with picking which book of Diana’s I would include here since I use them all quite frequently. This book is the perfect example of how stories can weave into recipes, and it reads like poetry.

Ozlem Warren

Food writer and educator

Felicity Souter

Writer, artist and cook