Features & Stories

Browsable bookshelves

ckbk’s library of cookbooks continues to expand rapidly — with nearly 600 titles already available in full. ckbk has always had powerful search features but we know many ckbk users also enjoy to casually browsing to discover interesting cookbooks.

With that in mind, we have introduced ckbk’s new browsable bookshelves on the ckbk website (app support coming soon!) to make it much easier to explore the diversity of ckbk’s collection. You can now scroll through shelves showcasing the most popular titles in any category. If you’ve used Netflix, you’ll be familiar with the idea.

The new Books page has shelves for the most popular, the most recently published, and most recently added titles, along with tabs taking you to separate ‘Bookcases’ which offering shelves organized as follows:

  • by category

  • by national cuisine

  • by author

Categories ordered alphabetically

You can choose how to order these shelves, either viewing the most popular shelves first, or viewing the full list in A-Z order.

Within each shelf, the most popular books are listed first. If you want to dig deeper just click the title of the shelf to view all books in that category e.g. French cookbooks. What’s more, each of these category pages offers a choice between grid and list view:

Preview of grid view

Grid view

Preview of list view

List view

You can also filter any list (or grid) of books by keyword (eg searching for “Hazan”)

Screenshot showing search box
Screenshot showing search for 'Hazan'

Browsable bookshelves are now available on the ckbk website and also in the latest version of the ckbk iOS app and the Android app too. One of the next features to watch out for is personalization which will let you pin your favourite shelfs, and also will offer a special “Your top books” shelf, for easy access to the books you use most.

We hope you enjoy these new features. Please do get in touch with any feedback or suggestions.


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