Alistair Cameron

Alistair Cameron

Coordinator for England of the Slow Food Chef Alliance and Ark of Taste
A professional retailer of food and wine for many years, manager of the Brindisa stall at Borough Market between 2000 and 2006. A keen market shopper and curious cook. A member of the Slow Food movement since 2002, he has regularly attended Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre in Turin, and Cheese in the city of Bra, as a delegate for Slow Food London. Since May 2015 Alistair has acted as Coordinator for England of the Slow Food Chef Alliance and Ark of Taste.

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Alistair's favorite cookbooks

The Cookery Year

The Cookery Year

I've used it for about 40 years, to the extent that it's the Readers Digestonly cookbook I own that the covers fell off.

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