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The Food of Italy

by Claudia Roden

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Original Publisher
Chatto & Windus
Date of publication

Recommended by

Kerstin Rodgers

Chef, author and blogger

Of course Claudia Roden is one of the great poet travellers of food writing, with fantastically detailed etymological research. Plus her recipes all work. If I aspire to be anyone it’s her but I’m much more badly behaved. She’s so elegant!

Tom Norrington-Davies


Less famous then her bOok of Middle Eastern Food which I also love. No other collection of so called 'Italian' recipes understands the regional diversity of this country's cooking.

Rachel Roddy

Food writer and blogger

I am a great fan of Claudia Roden's writing and recipes, this is the book I use most as I write (mostly) about Italian food.

Alistair Cameron

Coordinator for England of the Slow Food Chef Alliance and Ark of Taste

Introduced us to the regions of Italy. On Italian holidays, I copy the chapter according to my destination.

David Dale


Ed Mottershaw

Head Chef, The Eagle Farringdon

Russell Norman

Restaurateur, writer, broadcaster

Donald Sloan

Head of the Oxford School of Hospitality Management and Founder of Oxford Gastronomica

Sally Grainger

Food historian

Reiko Hashimoto

Cookbook author and founder of Hashi Cooking