Job Ubbink

Job Ubbink

Food scientist
During his training as a physical chemist at Leiden University (The Netherlands), Job Ubbink became passionate about cooking when working in a moonlighting job at a French restaurant near his university town. Following a PhD study in biophysics, he moved to the food industry with as aim to integrate physical chemistry, food technology and high quality foods. In 2010, Job Ubbink founded Food Concept & Physical Design “The Mill”, a consultancy company focussing on food sustainability. He is editor of several books, including "The Kitchen as Laboratory", has published around 50 research papers and he is listed as inventor on five patents. He is furthermore teaching a course in food technology at the ETH Zürich, which includes lectures on the history and science of cooking.

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Job's favorite cookbooks

Available on ckbk now
Het Haagse Kookboek

Het Haagse Kookboek

I cannot resist to list this book here, even though in Dutch, as it was the basis of my culinary training 30 years ago. A basic and highly practical text; unfortunately not available in English