

Preparation info
  • Makes about


    • Difficulty


Appears in
Macedonia: The Cookbook

By Katerina Nitsou

Published 2021

  • About

These fritters are traditionally made for Christmas Eve, New Year’s Day, or when visiting a newborn baby. They are a symbol of new beginning and new life. The dough itself is not very sweet, but a light dusting of powdered sugar adds just enough sweetness. They are best served fresh.


  • cups (350 ml) warm water
  • teaspoons (7


Place the warm water in a small bowl and add the yeast and ½ teaspoon sugar. Cover the bowl with a plate and let stand until the yeast begins to foam, about 10 minutes.

Sift the flour into a large bowl and mix in 1 tablespoon sugar and the salt. Make a well in the center of the flour and slowly pour in the yeast mixture and the eggs. Whisk the ingredients together to form a batter.