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Oxford Companion to Food

By Alan Davidson

Published 2014

  • About

cake is a term with a long history (the word is of Viking origin, from the Old Norse kaka) and a subject with many aspects. This entry is concerned with definitions and history; another is on cake-making, while categories of cake and individual cakes with their own entries are angel food cake, banbury cakes, battenberg cake, black bun, black forest gateau, chiffon cake, christmas foods, cup cake, devil’s food cake, easter foods, eccles cakes, fruit cakes, gache, galette, gateau, génoise, gingerbread, honey cake, lamington, lardy cake, madeira cake, madeleine, marble cake, mooncakes, pancake, pound cake, queen cake, rock cakes, sachertorte, saffron cake, savoy, seed cake, simnel cake, sponge cake, stollen, swiss roll, tea breads and tea cakes, tennis cake, tipsy cake, torte and kuchen, twelfth night cake, upside down cake, victoria sandwich cake, wedding meals and cakes.

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