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Surprisingly Different Fruitcakes

Appears in
Farm Journal’s Country Cookbook

By Nell B. Nichols

Published 1972

  • About
Many women treasure their mothers’ and grandmothers’ fruitcake recipes and fondly dream, when the first thoughts of the Christmas holidays arrive, of baking these old-fashioned loaves. One look at the recipes, yellow with age, reminds them of the giant-size yields and the time required to bake these cakes. The search for tasty substitutes starts. This annual post-Thanksgiving kitchen drama inspired us to offer you smaller and simpler recipes that yield big dividends in taste.

Both Large Dark and White Fruitcakes bake in tube pans; Frozen Fruitcake eliminates the baking, and Fruitcake Delicious, although less sweet than some cakes, is perhaps the over-all first choice. Certainly it’s easy to get ready for the oven, for neither nuts nor dates require chopping.

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