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Pastas & Noodles

Appears in
I Can Cook Vegan

By Isa Chandra Moskowitz

Published 2019

  • About
Mission: This chapter will get you multitasking and keep you mindful of timing, without risking too much on anything fancy. It will also give your spice rack a workout and get your pantry stocked with some basics so that dinner is always within reach.

Pasta is, by far, the first thing a home cook reaches for when they want a delicious meal on the table in record time. So what better place to begin? Even if there are a few components (sauce, proteins, what have you), the main component (hello, noodles) is pretty much done for you. And with a little practice and this handy book, the timing will always work out perfectly. From mac and cheese to pad Thai, there is a world of carb-y amazingness out there to explore!

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