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Cynical Party-Giving

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By Jeremy Round

Published 1988

  • About
As soon as the last grand crescendo of moans about Christmas starts up, with one camp muttering about the true message being lost in cynical commercialism and the other winging about hypocrisy and wasted time and money, you know that this is party season. Aside from more or less formal meals and proper parties, perhaps you have thought of asking over a dozen or so people on a semi-spontaneous basis, to wassail for an hour or two sometime during the month. Here, then, are four quick-party scenarios, all in line with the essential food and drink rules for party-giving – minimum choice, far too rich and difficult to eat comfortably. The kedgeree and onion tart both need plates and forks. Just napkins will do for the others. Each plan below includes details of both food and drink.

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