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Appears in
Modern Classics

By Frances Bissell

Published 2000

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The British sandwich, le sandwich anglais, has taken Paris by storm. As fast as they fill the shelves at Marks and Spencer in Boulevard Haussmann with chicken tikka, reduced-fat chicken salad, and egg and Cheddar sandwiches, they sell out. That particular store is the biggest seller of sandwiches in the whole chain. And the medium-sliced loaf is the third-largest seller (muffins are the top seller). Is this, perhaps, a comment on the falling standards of French bread-making, or rather an indication that the French are becoming more broad-minded about their food habits? Certainly sandwich shops abound in Paris now, and with rather more exotic fillings than ours. I have not yet sen foie gras sandwiches in Pret A Manger here, but they have them on the room service menu at Le Bristol in Paris.

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