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An Egg-Ceptional Trio

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Radikal Kitchen: Flavours without Borders

By Radhika Howarth

Published 2024

  • About
Korea, Myanmar, and India
India, Myanmar (formerly Burma), and Korea share deep cultural connections that span history, language, and religion. From the shared influences of Buddhism to the migration of spices and cooking methods, the culinary landscapes of India, Myanmar, and Korea are a testament to the enduring impact of cultural exchange.
India and Korea have a long history of trade relations dating back to ancient times. The Maritime Silk Road, which connected Asia with the rest of the world, played a key role in facilitating trade and cultural exchange between India and Korea. Additionally, Korean cuisine has been significantly influenced by its Buddhist roots, as seen in the prominence of vegetarian dishes in temple food, and this stems from the introduction of Buddhism from India and its philosophy of ahimsa (non-violence).

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