Food writer just has to be where we started.
We spent our lives when first at the seaside consulting this and continue to do so.
Just the most important 17th century cookery book and a pioneer in so many ways.
We cook from her at least twice a week and this is her greatest.
This changed how we cooked in the mid 1970s
If you wish to have a little idea of what country folk were getting up to in the Georgian era, this gives a bit of an apercu: most don't really.
Every time we need information, we go here first.
This changed our outlook in the 1950s, and how. Just love their sense of command and adventure: do this, this way, they do it like that.
No better intorduction to a complicated subject.
This gave us at least a dozen new things to do as part of our daily life: that's quite a high figure really.