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The Slow Mediterranean Kitchen: Recipes for the Passionate Cook

by Paula Wolfert


Low and slow is the name of the game in Paula Wolfert's characteristically authoritative ode to Mediterranean cuisine. Monkfish and clams simmer in garlic sauce while lamb with quince and okra is baked in a tagine. The recipes are all from Wolfert's fieldwork. Many come from Mediterranean home cooks, others come from professional chefs or from colleagues and fellow researchers. All are richly rewarding.

from the publisher

In The Slow Mediterranean Kitchen, [Paula Wolfert] returns to her favorite culinary regions and shares an enticing treasure trove of more than 150 authentic recipes that wend their way from North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean to Italy, Spain, and the South of France. . . .she offers loyal fans and new converts the secrets to simmering, slow roasting, braising, poaching, and marinating…

Original Publisher
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Date of publication

Recommended by

Nina Caplan

Wine and food writer

Recipes for the Passionate Cook is the subtitle of this book, and Wolfert isn’t kidding. Still, if you haven’t time to make any of these recipes (and for Wolfert, Slow-Roasted Stuffed Tomatoes, at around 4 hours, is knocking together a quick dinner), just sit down and read them: Wolfert is the antidote to dinner in a dash, fast food, microwave meals and all other such grim modern methods of saving time eating. (For what? What could possibly be more important than dinner?) Her Pork and Orange-Flavoured Beans are one of the tastiest dishes I’ve ever made; they’re even better reheated she says, or in other words, an extra day is an advantage.