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The French Menu Cookbook

by Richard Olney

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Original Publisher
Simon and Schuster
Date of publication

Recommended by

Nina Caplan

Wine and food writer

I don’t love Richard Olney only for the respect he accords wine, but it helps, because any cook who considers the wine an integral part of the meal can feel a little ill-served by cookery writers (and that’s most of them) who just ignore the whole issue. Olney’s chapter on wine here is one of the best-informed and best written summaries of French wine I have yet read, but his recipes are also superb, and so well thought out that I suspect Olney is David’s ideal reader – and he writes precisely for people who aren’t.

Ken Hom


This book very much inspired my teaching when I lived and cooked in Berkeley. Long before there were food guides, this was my food guide to France.

David Prior


Olney was opinionated, puritanical and incredibly stylish, all qualities I want in cookbook writer. The French Menu Cookbook is his best.

Jennifer McLagan


There are lots of menu cookery books but I love Olney's clear voice and the way he puts a meal together.

Jonathon Sawyer

Chef/Owner The Greenhouse Tavern, Noodlecat, Trentina, Tavern Vinegar Co. Cleveland, OH

A Provencal party guide for a lifetime. A life changer - it's always in my luggage.

Fred Morin

Chef and author

Eric Treuille

Cookbook seller

Lisa Marley

Founder of Cocoa Box

James Steen

Journalist, author and food writer

Bruce Palling


John Ashburne

Writer, editor and photographer

Daniel Halpern

Publisher, Ecco

Harry Lester

Cook and restaurateur

Catherine Pantsios

Chef and culinary educator