Tea-poached plums (or a combination of plums, apriums, and apricots, as desired)

Preparation info
  • Yield:


    Servings, 3 half fruits each serving
    • Difficulty


Appears in
The Dessert Architect

By Robert Wemischner

Published 2009

  • About


Oz Grams Each Name of ingredient

Approximately 48 to 60 ounces gross weight, before removing the pit


  • Pit the fruits and discard pits.
  • Place simple syrup and tea leaves into a medium-sized heavy saucepan.
  • Simmer to infuse, about 15 minutes.
  • Pass the poaching liquid through a fine sieve.
  • Rinse and dry the saucepan and return the sieved liquid to the cleaned saucepan.
  • Add the fruit to the liquid in the saucepan and simmer for