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Squashes, Tender or Summer

Cucurbita pepo

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By Elizabeth Schneider

Published 2001

  • About

Tender squash” is a description more to the point than “summer squash” in today’s market—unless you mean “summer” worldwide, for this vegetable is available year-round. “Little squash” is what they’re called in the countries that give them the names known in much of the Western world. From zueca, calabaza, and courge (the generic words for squash in Italian, Spanish, and French, respectively) come the diminutive forms: zucchini, calabacita, and courgette. (Thomas C. Andres, editor of The Cucurbit Network News, points out that the word “zueca” predates the introduction of Cucúrbita from the New World and was first applied to the Old World bottle gourd, Lagenaria.)

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