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From Meadow, Stream & Hedgerow

Appears in
French Countryside Cooking

By Daniel Galmiche

Published 2021

  • About
I love walking through meadows and along streams and hedgerows. In June, when I’m writing this, I can see so many flowers with such distinctive shapes, colours and scents. It is such a feast for the eyes and also a playground for so much wildlife: field mice, rabbits and the everso-beautiful and noble hare, proud and elegant, often found at the same spot overlooking his kingdom. In the distance a stream makes its way through the meadow with the delicate sound of running water, where herons and kingfishers can be found waiting patiently for the next catch of wild trout or other smaller fish; where, sometimes, crayfish hide and wild watercress and even water asparagus can be found.

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