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Jewish Holiday Cooking

By Jayne Cohen

Published 2008

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“All people, in every generation, should see themselves as having experienced the Exodus in Egypt.”

—Passover Haggadah

14-21 Nissan (March or April)

A generous ransom paid for a much sought-after piece of broken matzoh. Horrific plagues re-created out of wine drops, and bricks from a scrumptious fruit and nut paste. So many raucous cousins, the dining table must be stretched with bridge tables until it snakes around the front door.

“Marjorie felt the familiar old warmth enveloping her. The sweet grape taste of the wine woke childhood recollections. She began to care less what Noel and his parents were thinking, and she joined in the songs with abandon.”

—Herman Wouk, Marjorie Morningstar

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