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The Snake Stone

Appears in
Yashim Cooks Istanbul

By Jason Goodwin

Published 2016

  • About

Serpenti di Petra in Italian, Der Antiquar von Konstantinopel in German, The Snake Stone deals with fallout from Greek independence in 1828 and takes us back into Istanbul’s ancient past, before the Turkish conquest of 1453. There’s talk of spice, and Byron’s death, and dogs and doctors. And there is a lot of cooking.

An archaelogist comes for dinner

What is Byzantium?

“‘Dr Lefèvre, I welcome you to Istanbul.’

‘The city ordained by Nature to be the capital of the world.’ Lefèvre fixed his dark eyes on Yashim. ‘She calls me like a siren, monsieur. I cannot resist her lure.’ He drained his glass and set it down silently in the palm of his other hand. ‘Je suis archeologiste.

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