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James Beard's American Cookery

by James Beard

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Original Publisher
Little, Brown and Company
Date of publication

Recommended by

Makiko Itoh

Blogger of Just Hungry and Just Bento

I have most of James Beard's cookbooks, but this is the one that gets used the most. It's my go-to for just about any kind of classic American dish, if it's not covered by Julia Child's The Way To Cook.

Terry Durack

Restaurant critic, author, columnist

So easy to follow and so well written, and so amusing, you can hear his voice on every page. Plus, this is the only cook book in the world that doesn’t tell you to overcook lobster.

Betty Fussell


No one better understands the peculiar nature and history of American culture through our foodways than Beard.

Michael Stern


My go-to Bible for any dish and any meal, large or small.

Russ Parsons

Food columnist of LA Times

Ruth Reichl

Writer, former editor-in-chief of Gourmet Magazine

Linda Pelaccio

Culinary historian

Chris Stueart

Co-founder, FOOD-X

David Joachim

Food writer

Marvin J. Taylor

Director, Fales Library and Special Collections

Glynn Christian

Food writer and author

Andrew F. Smith

Food historian