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Betty Fussell

Betty Fussell

BETTY FUSSELL, author of eleven books, ranging from biography to cookbooks, food history and memoir, is best known for her award-winning The Story of Corn. Over the last half century, her work has appeared in a variety of national magazines, newspapers and journals, from Gastronomica to The New Yorker. Her memoir, My Kitchen Wars, was performed in Hollywood and New York as a one-woman show. Her most recent book is Raising Steaks: The Life and Times of American Beef, and she is now working on How to Cook A Coyote: A Manual of Survival. In 2012, she moved from NYC to Santa Barbara CA.

Betty's favorite cookbooks

Chez Panisse Menu Cookbook

Chez Panisse Menu Cookbook

Alice Waters

The generative book in creating America's New Cuisine of local, fresh, seasonal by applying French Regional methods to the particularities of Berkeley CA.

Books by Betty Fussell