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Pooh's Fireside Recipes

Pooh's Fireside Recipes

by Katie Stewart


Katie Stewart published many cookbooks that have been a source of inspiration for a generation of cooks – and also their progeny. The recipes in her three ‘Pooh’ titles are simple enough to be cooked by supervised children. The 18 recipes in this little book include such delights as Pooh’s Raisin Bread and Honey Cake.

from the publisher

If, like Pooh, you sometimes have a sinking feeling, then this is the book for you. There are lots of easy recipes for you to make when you feel like a smackerel or when friends come round and you want to prepare something.

Cooking is great fun if you are sensible about it. Safety in the kitchen is very much a question of common sense. Try to make a habit of doing things safely so that it becomes second nature. Don't fool about when using sharp knives or stirring a pan over the heat. Accidents happen without any warning.

Collect the things you will need before you start-it saves a lot of walking about. I have listed what you will need at the start of each recipe. Have a good time, remember, like Pooh, cooking is fun!

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