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Cooking by Hand

by Paul Bertolli

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Original Publisher
Clarkson Potter
Date of publication

Recommended by

Sue Dyson and Roger McShane

Food writers

Paul Bertolli is a former chef at the legendary Chez Panisse, but this book concentrates on his Italian background with precise and detailed explanations that hep the reader understand the fundamentals of everything from preparing mushrooms, to the art of pasta making through to one of the best guides ever for the preparation of charcuterie.

Melissa McCart

Food writer and restaurant critic

I love this cookbook for its emphasis on ingredients and the reminder of who and what makes California cuisine so captivating.

Ivan Orkin


Just inspiring. So much passion, lots of low and slow cooking that I do every day.

Skye Gyngell

Chef and Author

Just a beautiful, thoughtful book!

Alex Harrell

Chef-Owner, Angeline

Michael Anthony

Executive Chef/Partner

Daniel Klein

Chef and filmmaker

Rachel Khong

Senior Editor Lucky Peach

Rodney Dunn

Co-Founder of The Agrarian Kitchen

Emily Elsen

Owner & Founder, Four & Twenty Blackbirds

Yasuko Fukuoka

Food writer

Peter Gilmore

Executive Chef, Quay Restaurant and Bennelong

Cathy Barrow

Author of the food blog Mrs. Wheelbarrow's Kitchen

Tracey Ryder

Co-founder of Edible Communities

Also by Paul Bertolli