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We are building our collection of cookbooks all the time. This book is on our wish list, but it is not yet available on ckbk.
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Fuchsia Dunlop My first experiments in cooking were with Chinese food, and it is still my default setting. Any of her books would do really but I love the spicy tingle of this cuisine and have fond memories of squatting on plastic chairs with all the family eating street food there. Fuchsia used to work for the BBC world service, and I remember being thrilled ringing from some assignment and her answering the phone - a bit like booking a satellite truck though Elizabeth David.
Food writer
It gives you an appreciation of the enormous task of what it takes to write a book on regional cooking of a country. Interspersed within the recipes are helpful snippets of information on how to cook with ingredients while revealing what the method actually does.
Fuchsia is regarded in Sichuan with equal parts awe and delight.
Food writer and broadcaster