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The Art of Fermentation

by Sandor Ellix Katz

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Original Publisher
Chelsea Green
Date of publication

Recommended by

Ben Starr


This book is as close as we'll ever get to a master compendium of humankind's knowledge and practices of fermentation. Katz has wandered the globe, documenting rapidly-vanishing ancient recipes, traditions, and methods of fermenting everything from vegetables and fruits to meat and dairy products. I could never live without this cookbook. Fermentation increases not only the flavor of ingredients, but their nutritional value and bioavailability. While the advent of refrigeration has rendered fermentation unnecessary, because we no longer need to store things at room temperature, our bodies yearn for fermented foods as much as our palates enjoy them. Katz teaches you to make sauerkraut, yogurt, wine, homemade sodas, and a litany of other things your mind has never even dreamed of.

Ann Yonetani

Founder and owner of NYrture Food

This is the essential book on fermented food--so comprehensive, thorough and precise in its coverage of a huge range of ferments, including both recipes and delightfully extensive culinary/historical/medicinal information.

Jeff Stutsman

Director of Operations, Momofuku Culinary Lab

This is another page turner for anyone who loves learning about the science of food and how food works. It is also an indispensable tool for anyone who is interested in or practices fermentation.

Kylee Newton

Preserver, cookbook author and sometime food stylist

Anna Hansen

Founding Director, Modern Pantry

Daniel Klein

Chef and filmmaker

Atul Kochhar

Chef Patron of Benares

Steven Lamb

Teacher and writer

Sarah Thompson

Distiller and Botanical Wine Maker

Aran Goyoaga

Food Writer, Stylist & Photographer

Árni Ólafur Jónsson

Chef and TV presenter

Kevin Gould

Professional Food Lover

Robyn Eckhardt

Food and travel journalist and author

Lorenzo Cogo

Chef and owner of EL COQ restaurant – one Michelin Star in Italy

Olia Hercules

Author and food writer

Tom Hunt


Rodney Dunn

Co-Founder of The Agrarian Kitchen

Judy Joo

Chef, Author and TV personality

Amanda Feifer

Fermentation blogger and educator

Mark LaBrooy

Head Chef and Owner Three Blue Ducks (with co - Owner Darren Robertson)

Ben Reade

Co-Owner/Chef at Edinburgh Food Studio

Brandon Jew

Chef/owner, Mister Jiu; San Francisco, CA
