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Baked: New Frontiers in Baking

By Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito

Published 2008

  • About
The cookie is king in our kitchen. Often we find ourselves buried deep in a sea of dirty pots and pans, sweating over the fine details of a delicate cake, or cursing a particular pie dough, and we wonder why we didn’t just make a batch of cookies instead.
Most cookies are exceptionally easy to make. Just one or two bowls, a few basic ingredients, a quick mix, and your dough is finished. Though perhaps not as visually elegant as some other baked goods, cookies can be so satisfying. Serve them slightly warm, arranged on a large white platter with the requisite glass of cold milk (served in an old-fashioned tumbler, of course), and cookies can be just as five-star as any other dessert.

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