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Walkerswood Caribbean Kitchen

By Virginia Burke

Published 2001

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Pan-jerked chicken on Reggae Beach at Prospect, on Jamaica’s North Coast

Chicken is by far the most widely eaten main course in the Caribbean. We islanders must have perfected every possible way of preparing and enjoying it; jerked, fried, barbecued, stewed, fricasseed, roasted and curried are just a few of the methods we use.
The tastiest chicken is the free-range or common yard fowl. These are usually medium sized. Throughout the islands the preparation starts the same way: the chicken is washed and rubbed with lime and then seasoned, usually with onion, garlic, escallion, salt, pepper and thyme. It is then allowed to marinate with the seasoning. This is an essential part of getting the flavour into the bird, regardless of how you are planning to cook it. Most chicken dishes use chicken on the bone and are well cooked.

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