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By Neil Perry

Published 1998

  • About
Frying is a technique little used in many European kitchens. In Asia and much of the subcontinent, it is one of the main cooking techniques. When you see the versatility of the wok as a frying implement, it’s not hard to understand the Chinese’s love of frying.
Woks purchased from Chinatown generally have a heavy coating of grease to stop them from rusting, so wash them very well with detergent. To season the wok, place over heat to evaporate the water and open the pores of the steel. When the wok starts to smoke pour in 2 cups of light oil and, with a cloth, wipe down the sides of the wok. Turn the heat down to very low, and leave for 10 minutes. Remove from the heat. Wipe down the sides of the wok and pour off the oil. Wipe off any excess and put away until ready to use. After each use, rinse and wipe the wok with oil. There should be no need to wash the wok with detergent again.

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