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Discover artisan cheese with ckbk

Did you know that there is a monthly market in London dedicated to cheese?

The Chiswick Cheese Market, running since May 2021, hosts a superb selection of cheese producers and purveyors. Chiswick in west London was originally known as ‘Cheesewick’ – Old English for ‘cheese farm’ – and supported an annual cheese fair. The aim of the market is to bring cheese back home to Chiswick, with 36 stalls for the pleasure of eaters, makers, and mongers.

We have teamed up with Chiswick Cheese Market to celebrate the best artisan cheeses, and each month the market will be featuring a different cheese recipe from ckbk in their newsletter.

We’re marking the launch of this partnership and the arrival of Paul Gayler’s A Passion for Cheese on ckbk with a delicious giveaway.

One of the regular stallholders, Big Wheel Cheese, who can also be found at Barnes and Broadway farmers’ markets in London, is giving away a selection of goat’s cheese from Golden Cross. Based in Sussex, their award-winning soft mold-ripened goat’s cheese is perfect for cooking. Try it in Paul Gayler’s Warm Lentil Salad with Pepper-grilled Goat’s Cheese & Anchovy Toasts (pictured here) for a flavorful winter salad.

More great goat’s cheese recipes from ckbk