The Taste of France
The best food pornography. The pictures of podgy farmers in Normandy and French cheeses gets you hot under the collar!
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Chef best food pornography. The pictures of podgy farmers in Normandy and French cheeses gets you hot under the collar!
It works! Interestingly, for someone aspiring to be a British chef, I have found this to be the most useful of books.
A book that concentrates on duck fat, prunes and pork has to be good.
The first cookbook I ever read properly, and the reason that I cook the way that I do.
He’s simply brilliant.
More duck fat. Yum!
You’ve got to love a chef who shared a magnum of champagne with his barber every morning. And his writing on food is timeless.
The title says it all, which appeals to the peasant in all of us.
Fantastic chap, fantastic book. It has very strong genus loci.
If you want to make a display of radishes in aspic with truffles, this is the book for you.