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Chocolates, Candies & Confections

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Baked: New Frontiers in Baking

By Matt Lewis and Renato Poliafito

Published 2008

  • About
It all started with the marshmallow.
Our thinking at the bakery was such: If you serve hot chocolate, you have to serve marshmallows. And if you serve marshmallows, you have to make them yourself, because a store-bought marshmallow is, well, just awful. So we set about making our own marshmallows.
At first, our marshmallow project was merely for the hot chocolate drinkers. We would produce a small tray of vanilla marshmallows at the end of a long day of baking and hope that we would sell enough hot chocolates topped with marshmallows the next day to make the endeavor worthwhile. But soon, customers started ordering marshmallows even if they weren’t ordering hot chocolate. Then they started requesting more flavors. Then they started ordering them in mass quantities. You could say that the marshmallows started to take over the bakery.

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