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Quantity Notice

Appears in
Professional Baking

By Wayne Gisslen

Published 2008

  • About
Ingredient quantities in the following recipes may need to be adjusted. For example, especially sour fruit may need more sugar. Also, fruit may yield more or less than average quantities after trimming (peeling, pitting, etc.).

Most of the recipes are for 10-inch (25 cm) tarts. For smaller tarts, multiply or divide each ingredient quantity by the factors indicated below to get the approximate quantities needed.

Tart size Factor
9-in. (23 cm) multiply by 0.8 (or ⅘)
8-in. (20 cm) multiply by 0.66 (or ⅔)
7-in. (18 cm) divide by 2
6-in. (15 cm) divide by 3
5-in. (13 cm) divide by 4
4-in. (10 cm) divide by 6
3-in. (7.5 cm) divide by 10

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