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Annie Gray

Annie Gray

Food historian
I’m Annie, I’m passionate about food and history and I talk a lot. I’ve managed to successfully combine these into a career in food history, encompassing giving talks, demos and workshops; working in costume; consultancy and appearances on TV and on radio. We all eat, and we all have opinions about what we eat. Scratch the surface of even the most apparently uncaring diner, and what lurks within will reveal plenty about who they are, and what they believe. Food has the potential to engage audiences in wonderful ways, challenging them engaging them, and helping them to question a whole range of received opinions. I love working at the front end of public history, using the knowledge I've gained through years of study to reach out and really make people think. You can listen to me on the radio, where I'm a regular panellist on BBC Radio 4's The Kitchen Cabinet. You can see me on your TVs, cropping up whenever anyone wants a view on what people ate in the past, and you can read various articles, both popular and academic, that I've written over the years.

Features & Stories

The Twelve Shoulds of Christmas

The Twelve Shoulds of Christmas

Food historian Annie Gray is a familiar to many through her regular appearances on BBC Radio 4’s The Kitchen Cabinet. Annie has a passion for cookbooks, the older and more eclectic the better, and we are proud to have several of her own cookbooks on ckbk, including The Official Downton Abbey Cookbook and How to Cook the Victorian Way with Mrs Crocombe. Annie’s most recent cookbook, At Christmas We Feast which was added to ckbk this week, looks at the culinary traditions and mythologies which mark the festive season.
British Library Food Season 2022

British Library Food Season 2022

ckbk is partnering to promote the British Library’s 2022 Food Season which runs through April and May, which this year includes in person, online and hybrid events. The talks bring together leading names from the workd of food and cookbooks, including many authors whose books appear on ckbk. Below we showcase a few highlights from the programme.
Introducing: The Official Downton Abbey Cookbook

Introducing: The Official Downton Abbey Cookbook

In The Official Downton Abbey Cookbook, Dr Annie Gray’s meticulous historical research gives fascinating insight into the cooking of the early 20th century and delivers recipes that hold plenty of appeal for contemporary cooks.