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Newsletter: Toast the New Year with our celebratory ideas + ckbk’s Best of 2022

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 Your 2022 food favorites

It’s that time of year, when we make resolutions for the year ahead, and take a look back at the year we’ve had. On that note we’ve done our annual roundup, and you lot have been cooking! It’s exciting to see the enthusiasm and range of your use of our resources at ckbk.
Looking at the top 20 recipes it is clear you love curry, and that you love chicken! We are with you on both counts. From the top 20 books we can see classical techniques, exciting new recipes, and reference books, are all hitting your top spots. We love to see the classics of regional cuisine and culinary techniques still helping you in the kitchen, even while we watch new books thrill with novel and delicious dishes.  
To see the full list of top recipes and books take a look at ckbk’s Best of 2022.
Thank you from all of us at ckbk for an exceptional 2022, and here’s looking forward to a flavor-packed 2023.
Find 397 recipes by our top author Nisha Katona

Flavorful and meat free: Nisha Katonas latest cookbook

It’s fair to say that Nisha Katona is top of our charts; having written a stunning eleven of the recipes in our top twenty chart for 2022, and with Mowgli Street Food in the number one spot in our book chart.
Her latest offering Meat Free Mowgli has all her signature flair – with more than half being vegan, so good inspiration for those trying Veganuary this New Year. As Katona states; Indian cuisine is “heavily geared toward seasonal vegetable-heavy menus.” For which read that there are no shortage of terrific plant-based recipes to choose from.

Try the sweet and sour Tangy Tamarind Roasted Squash, or spicy and moreish Gunpowder Florets.

Let’s get this party started!

As New Year’s Eve approaches and parties are planned, important questions are asked: what to eat, and what to drink? A party is always improved by plenty of food you can eat with your fingers. Le Cordon Bleu’s Finger Food is a masterclass in the kind of classic small bites that everyone will love. Try Minted Pea and Coriander Triangles or Smoked Salmon Pancake Rolls.
Much of the food in Urvashi Roe’s book Biting Biting is ideally suited to a party. Who wouldn’t love to be faced with a platter of Cheddar Cheese and Spinach Bhajia.

Alongside your chosen finger food take the classic or modern approach to your drinks – with The Official Downton Abbey Cocktail Book or The Thinking Girl’s Guide to Drinking – just be sure to keep them flowing. To explore these books look at our Cookbooks for Parties showcase.

For more party food ideas from across ckbk we’ve put 28 great recipes we love in our Party Food collection. Let the good times begin, and put together some Sweet and Sour Chicken Sticks, or some Itty, Bitty BLTs.
There’s a dizzying range of drinks ideas on ckbk. Choose what you raise a glass of to toast the old year, and bring in the new in style, by searching the hundreds of celebratory mixed drinks in our library of cookbooks. Our Cheers to the New Year collection is a good place to start. Moroccan Champagne Cocktail anyone? Here’s to 2023.

Listen to ckbk founder Matt in a leading food podcast

The Well Seasoned Librarian is one of the fastest growing food podcasts online. Host Dean Jones, a long-time Bay Area librarian, has a deep passion for food, cooking, and exploring new restaurants. Each week Jones talks in-depth to cookbook authors, food writers, farmers and culinary historians, about all things food – from the practical, to the humorous or political.
This week he spoke to ckbk founder Matt Cockerill about how he set up our platform, how we’re developing ckbk in reaction to enthusiastic user feedback, and our plans for the future. You can listen on iTunesSpotify, and all other popular podcast platforms and also discover how to enjoy a 25% discount off ckbk Premium Membership.
▶ Listen to the podcast

Go go gadget

Did Santa bring you that kitchen gadget you’ve been hankering after? If you are now in possession of that prized air fryer, slow cooker, sous vide, bread machine, kamado grill… but aren’t sure what to make with it, have a look at our Gadgets Bookshelf. You’ll find all the advice you need, and recipes galore.

What to cook now: turnips

The turnip is one of the earliest cultivated vegetables, and although often classified as a root vegetable, the part we eat is actually the swollen base of the plant’s stem. Turnips are available pretty much all year-round in the Northern Hemisphere, but come into their own in the fall, when their delicate earthy flavor blends well with seasonal broths, soups, and stews.
There are so many ways to enjoy them: try them simply roasted, or simmered and served with butter. Head to India for aromatically spiced Turnips in Cream Sauce, or China for Terry Tan’s Pork & Turnips. Just two of the recipes in our 12 Ways with Turnips collection, all making the most of this versatile vegetable.

6 of the best fondues & raclettes

Few things satisfy the senses, or our appetites, more than melted cheese! In fondue and raclette form it heralds a party. Here are six great versions, or explore our Tempting Cheese Fondue Recipes.

Mascarpone Fondue

from Lucy’s Food by Lucy Cufflin

Bacon and Potato Raclette

from The Bacon Bible by Peter Sherman

Traditional Raclette

from Glorious French Food by James Peterson

Buffalo Chicken Lollipops & Blue Cheese Fondue

from Eggs & Chicken by Grant MacPherson

Fonduta alla Piemontese

from The Italian Regional Cookbook by Valentina Harris

Floyd’s Fondue

from The Best of Floyd by Keith Floyd
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