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Executive Editor, Saturday Kitchen
https://www.cactustv.co.uk/team/james-winterThe first great gourmand and still relevant today. I often browse this and learn something each time I do.
The recipe book I have used the most and never lets me down.
The journey I wish I could make and still hope to.
Just a thing of beauty and something that’s been copied quite a bit since.
It taught the nation to cook including me.
The greatest chef in the world lays down his how he does it.
The only cook book you really need everything is in it. Yes its minimalist in its descriptions and methods but it’s all in there.
Just an immense piece of work and so thorough and reliable. I love it.
If you really want to make pastry then start here. Its so clearly written and the recipes so well tested and for something as exact as pastry then this makes it essential reading.
The first 'proper' chefs book I bought and studied and realised how little I knew. At the time I thought the UK was everything and this opened my eyes to a world of gastronomy. Its intense and almost undecipherable in places but utterly breathtaking.