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Madhur Jaffrey's World Vegetarian Cooking

by Madhur Jaffrey

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Original Publisher
Ebury Press
Date of publication

Recommended by

Jacqui Pickles


Such a great compilation of recipes from many different cuisines covering veg, beans and pulses etc. Extensively researched and with lots of advice of cooking every pulse imaginable in every way possible.

Susan Campbell

Writer and lllustrator

In spite of a stash of Madhur’s Indian cookbooks, this one makes a useful adjunct to Jane Grigson’s veg. book. It is massive, and full of truly worldwide recipes.

Andi Oliver


Brilliant for non meat deep flavour inspiration

Barbara-Jo McIntosh

Author and food professional

Peta Leith

Pastry chef

Thane Prince

Author and writer

Chantal Coady

Founder of Rococo Chocolates

Zarela MartĂ­nez


Anne Mendelson

Author and editor