Delia's Cakes
This was the first book I ever baked from. If you need a classic cake/baking recipe that works then this is the book. Includes everything from Rock Cakes to a fully iced and decorated Wedding Cake.
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Pastry chef
https://claire-clark.comThis was the first book I ever baked from. If you need a classic cake/baking recipe that works then this is the book. Includes everything from Rock Cakes to a fully iced and decorated Wedding Cake.
No other preserves book comes close. Every tip you will ever need to know plus fool proof recipes tried and tested. The bible of preserves.
Everyday recipes, packed with technical information and buying guides. Lovely dishes that are easy to prepare.
One of the best Patisserie books for chefs on the market. I still recommend it to all budding Pastry Chefs.
Modern Day flavour profiles, American classics revamped and given the Keller treatment. Inspirational baking book.
Fresh, flavourful and want to cook food. mouthwatering recipes. I adore cooking from this book.
My favourite cake decorating book. Only for serious cake decorators. I was lucky to have lessons from Tombi in Thame village hall when I was still in my mid twenties. A book for decorators who aspire to reach her acclaimed standards. Beautiful and stunning.
An amazing book of chocolate creations, all the recipes work and are laid out with technical instructions that are easy to follow. Nothing is left unexplained. Simply the best chocolate book ever.
The most amazing bread book. Everything you will ever need to know and more about every kind of bread. Hold your hand instructions from the best.