Founder and executive chef of Cafe Paradiso and author
https://www.cafeparadiso.ieBrilliantly uses graphic illustration to teach, tell stories and have a rant or two.
Inspirational reverence for her vegetable material and its potential.
The first vegetable cookbook (as distinct from vegetarian) I bought, and therefore the first to teach me to focus on the vegetable.
I borrowed this from a library and photocopied almost every page. The first book I found that took vegetarian food away from wholefoods and into the pleasure zone.
Learning a half dozen recipes from this got me the gig of catering Cork's first gamelan performance.
Comprehensive in name and in reality too!
Makes it look so easy to make delicious and beautiful food, the ultimate purpose of any cookbook.
More than a cookbook (or less in fact) this is a fascinating attempt by a brilliant chef to explain himself.
A beautiful expression of a beautiful restaurant.