One cold, rainy Monday, our favorite farmers, Cat and Bradley, invited us to spend the day on their beautiful sprawling farm a couple of hours down the road, in Sylvania, Georgia. Griff and I love road trips, so we packed up some biscuits, jam, and a pie and headed out of town. As soon as we turned onto Buttermilk Road, I knew it was going to be a day of good food and fellowship.
Bradley founded L. J. Woods Farm as an experiment in family farming, sustainable livestock practices, and the conservation of Southern heritage breeds. It has grown to become a great source for some of the best restaurants in the South. And farm living was made for me . . . well, at least for that one day. I filled huge baskets with all sorts of eggs, including duck eggs and my favorite Ameraucana chicken eggs. We visited Bradley’s prized Ossabaw Island hogs and checked out the Pineywoods cattle, and I held one of the baby Spanish goats. And when Cat and Bradley sent us home with jars of pickled vegetables and wild watermelon rind that we had sampled throughout the day, Griff and I were both feeling inspired.