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Rice for Vegetarians and Vegans

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By Sri Owen

Published 1993

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Many rice-growing countries in Asia have a strong tradition of non-violence and respect for all life. Whether this is in spite of their history or because of it I wouldn’t like to say, but it has had the result of producing a number of vegetarian traditions, particularly in India and in several Buddhist countries – though most Buddhists are not, of course, actually forbidden to eat meat.
The number of vegetarians in Western countries today must be growing pretty rapidly, too, judging by the numbers I meet. Some of them, especially the strictly observant ones, no doubt become vegetarians or vegans as a protest against inhumane treatment of animals or suspected lack of hygiene in abattoirs. But many simply want to eat a healthier diet and to cut down on their cholesterol. As a result, there are a lot of what I call part-time vegetarians about, and indeed I regard myself as one.

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