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Appetizers and Salads

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Hot and Spicy

By Marlena Spieler

Published 1985

  • About
An appetizer should awaken the appetite and cajole it into the rest of the meal. Interesting and stimulating dishes, or dishes that are too rich to eat in large portions, make excellent appetizers.

Salads and foods served at room temperature almost always make enticing first courses: not only do they delight with their freshness but they are more relaxing for whoever is preparing the meal. Spicy foods lend themselves to being served as first courses, even dishes that are traditionally eaten as main courses. Try the Mediterranean Mini-Grill in tiny portions, with a tangy salsa to dip into, or serve a small plate of spicy pasta: Chilli-Stuffed Ravioli with Goat Cheese Sauce, or Pasta Arrabbiata.

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