Why aren’t the recipes for this book available on ckbk?
We are building our collection of cookbooks all the time. This book is on our wish list, but it is not yet available on ckbk.
Books which are part of ckbk's collection show one of these two logos:
Environmental journalist
I could not have spent two years only eating animals I killed myself without this book. I often turned to its pages to work out how to cut up and cook a particular animal. It was invaluable in cooking offal and more unusual cuts. It was also a bit of a psychological crutch. I had moments of real doubt about writing The Ethical Carnivore. The fact that one of my heroes and someone who has achieved so much had also taken part in meat production first-hand gave me great confidence – though I came to my own conclusions on my own terms.
Blogger at Raining Sideways
A gift from a friend, this book has become a textbook for me. Living in South Devon on a small farm over the years we have been producing not only our own fruit and vegetables but also our own meat: turkeys , free range chickens, Whiteface Dartmoor lamb and rare breed pork. Here is a book that talks about the provenance of food, of the livestock, the food producers as well as a wealth of in depth cookery information and terrific recipes.
Food writer
Without a doubt the greatest book written on the subject. I love the exploratory nature of this book, it is full of wanderings down hidden lanes and avenues. If ever I buy a cut that I am unsure about how to prepare, this is where I head, and come out wiser having dipped between the covers.
Innovations Director, Hobbs House Bakery
I’ve loved this book to bits, quite literally. The way Hugh introduces meat, raised the bar for me on what a cook book can do in a delicious and inspiring way. I met HF-W a few years later and he said that my well thumbed, kitchen stained book was the most satisfying thing as he signed it.
Food writer
Britain has outstanding livestock farmers and a strong and skilful tradition of meat production and cooking. This groundbreaking book goes into the detail of real meat without holding back. Brave, bold and tasty, this book was a gamechanger in how we see farm animals as well as meat.
Founder and co-CEO of Hubbub
Lots of well-written, easy to follow, delicious recipes and great accompanying material on everything from provenance and seasonality to cooking times. Hugh's passage on the ethics of eating veal is especially eye opening.
Food Editor, The World of Fine Wine and co-founder and convenor of the London Gastronomy Seminars
An eminently sensible guide to meat cookery that also presents the philosophical and environmental argument for eating meat.
Food writer, author and broadcaster
Without doubt my most regularly fingered cookbook. The writing is crisp and clear and the recipes are faultless.
I’m not sure if there’s anything more a home cook really needs to know about meat.
Founder & Head Chef of School of Wok
The detail that Hugh goes into is incredibly interesting for any true meat eater!
chef/owner Porsena & Porchetta
Everything you need to know to cook meat well and appreciate how its raised.
Artisan olive producer
Head Chef, The Eagle Farringdon
Food writer
Food writer
Food writer
Co founder and Master Baker at Bread Ahead
Head Chef & partner at The Culpeper
Founder of Leiths Group, food writer and author
Writer and broadcaster
Cookbook author
Executive Chef/Partner
Food Writer
Food waste activist
Broadcaster and chef
Founder of Hiver Beers
Food and drink writer
Owner of Villa 9 Trois in Montreuil