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Sourdough Formulas and Specialty Breads for the Artisan Baker

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Professional Baking

By Wayne Gisslen

Published 2008

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This section begins with several formulas for yeast starters, also called yeast pre-ferments, and for sourdough starters, also called natural starters. These starters are explained in detail in chapter 7. Please review that material if necessary before preparing these formulas.

Pre-ferments provide leavening and improve the flavor and texture of the finished bread. True sourdough breads use only a sour starter for leavening. However, it is also possible to use a starter primarily as an ingredient to improve flavor and texture and to rely on additional yeast for leavening. This type of process is called mixed fermentation, as explained, and can be used with any type of pre-ferment, whether it is a natural starter or yeast starter. When mixed fermentation is used, the formula can be expressed as if it were a straight dough formula, and the separately made starter is one of the ingredients. This section includes examples of mixed fermentation in addition to a number of pure sourdough formulas.

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